Neve Avraham
"The surest way to reach an individual
is through compassion and love."
(Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach)
From the Secretary General
“The Neve Avraham organization undertook an important and valuable objective, to continue to provide para medical services; they have extended themselves and also provided their expert assistance to deal with real-time issues for the benefit of the community at-large, offering life-changing responses for the children and their families. Each and every one of you is a partner in this effort, and a visionary along with us, by virtue of the fact that you have chosen to donate, to support, and to insure the continuity of our programs.
And now that we have been allocated a piece of land for the building of Neve Avraham House, there is much work to be done.
Soon we will embark on a fund-raising campaign. To guarantee the building is properly constructed, we are putting in a lot of hard work and resources. We are laying a strong foundation so we can rise up to the task at hand in a comprehensive and professional fashion, as is our custom and as our track record has proven.
All this dedication flows out from a sea of love for our extraordinary community and our town.
As someone who has lived in this community for 50 years and who continues in the footsteps of my dear parents—my parents who were not just dreamers but also people of action—I am excited and happy and filled with a sense of purpose to be able to continue to make all these wonderful programs possible.
Many thanks to all those who have been with us on this long journey these last 32 years, and I would like to welcome all those who are just now joining us. Together we will forge ahead
!May we move forward with good fortune and in the right time.
Mina Yehudit Guberi